
Job scheduler in Golang

System Design

This is one of the projects I did, completed around September, 2024. The goal is to study some design patterns and Golang language, which is quite popular these days for cloud native apps and high performance computing.

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Study Notes

Inspired by the work I am doing, I get my hands on studying Kubernetes (K8S). In work, I built a machine cluster with three GPU servers and ran many applications on it. However, I found a systematic learning of K8S is necessary. Therefore, I begun a deep dive into K8S system and worked on some hands-on projects.

6/17/2023 K8S Chapter 1 — Basic Units
6/28/2023 K8S Chapter 2 — Practice and Notes
6/28/2023 K8S autoscaling Lab

Study of Distributed System

Study Notes

This blog shares notes and highlights that I learned about distributed system.

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Distributed Search Engine System Design

System Design

This is one of the projects of the Udemy Mooc course (Distributed System in Java). Here I list the System Design and lessons I learned.

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Housing Price App and its System Architecture

System Design

This is one of my personal project that I created in my free time. The dashboard app is meant to give user insights about housing price by location and time.

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